用磁铁吸引客户和线索. 铅捕获概念


说到生成 新代理商的房地产线索, 你’re probably aware that there are a variety of ways to build 你r database. 虽然有选择很好, it’s also normal to feel overwhelmed by all the different strategies 你 hear about online or from more experienced 代理.


  • 社交媒体是成功REALTOR®的必要条件吗?
  • 什么是房地产最好的潜在客户?
  • 我怎样才能得到免费的房地产线索?

事实是, each of these questions has a few different answers that depend on where 你 are in 你r real estate practice right now, 以及你想走多远.

At the same time, there are more options than ever to generate 新代理商的房地产线索 这些天. You’ll also find that the more consistent 你 are with any of the 遵循ing tips, 你就会越成功.

Real Estate Lead Generation Tip #1: Show Up Consistently Online

如果你感兴趣的话 在网上获得免费的房地产线索, 社交媒体是必须的.


对于一些, “showing up consistently” online means jumping on social media every day to post, 就像, 遵循, 并与他们的网络分享.

毫无疑问, 这是一个建立追随者的好方法——但要记住, 作为房地产经纪人,你还有其他的日常职责, 太, so don’t feel pressured to spend 太 much of 你r time online.

The keys to showing up consistently online without wasting 你r time are:

  • Pinpointing when and where 你r “dream clients” are hanging out online and focusing 你r efforts there (for instance, if 你 work with mature luxury real estate clients who are interested in buying a second home or investing, 你 may want to spend more time and effort on LinkedIn than on 脸谱网 or Instagram Live);
  • Batching 你r content ahead of time and using a social media scheduling 太l to post for 你;
  • Paying attention to the types of content that earn 你 the most engagement or leads so 你 can focus more on that type of content. 例如, 你 may find video walk-throughs result in emails and callbacks with requests for more information versus simply posting a photo of a listing.

当你成长时,请记住这一点, 你’ll 就像ly be able to outsource these tasks to a social media manager or freelancer so 你 can spend more time in the field or networking in person.

而且,这很值得 询问你的经纪人或经纪公司 如果他们使用任何社交媒体工具或模板, 或者如果你能在类似的资源上得到折扣.

Real Estate Lead Generation Tip #2: Prospect Expired Listings

过期的清单是最好的生成方法之一 新代理商的房地产线索.

如果你不熟悉“过期列表”是什么, it’s one that did not sell in the amount of time agreed on in their listing contract — whether that time frame was 30 days or 180 days.


通常, 如果定价不正确,清单就会过期, or when there are still major opportunities for clean up or to improve curb appeal. 任何可以访问MLS的人都可以看到过期的列表, 使他们更容易成为潜在客户.

起初, it may feel intimidating to cold call or knock on someone’s door who 就像ly already has other 代理 trying to win their business, 太.

Plus, these sellers might feel frustrated, or even a little disappointed that their home didn’t sell.

更好的是, think of it this way: many of these sellers are still actively wanting to sell their home, 如果有合适的代理人带着可行的计划, 他们很可能会接受他们的提议.


赢得过期列表的一个提示? 不要来找他们谈生意. 对他们的沮丧感同身受, 帮助他们理解为什么房子卖不出去.

At this point, they may be warmed up enough to hear how 你’d do things differently. 和, be ready to present some proof that either 你 or 你r brokerage has success selling in their neighborhood

事实上,如果你做得好,它很容易生成 新代理商的房地产线索. 他们是决定现在还是以后跟你做生意, 您仍然在数据库中添加了新的线索.

免费的电子书: Accelerate 你r rise to the top with this free ebook just for 新 代理—行业诀窍:给新代理商的建议.


This may seem obvious, but asking for referrals is one of the 产生房地产线索的最佳方法 at any stage of 你r career, but especially when the goal is to 产生房地产线索 代理.

You’ve already done the work to acquire the client 你’re currently working with, so why not ask them to introduce 你 to anyone else they might know who wants to buy or sell their home in the area?

Surprisingly, it’s a strategy that isn’t leveraged often enough, or it’s used incorrectly.

在大多数情况下, 代理 either get 太 busy trying to find brand 新 leads to add to their network, 或者他们没有以正确的方式要求推荐, 或者在交易结束后不久.

The fact is, 82% of all real estate transactions come from repeat and referral business. So, even if it feels a little uncomfortable to ask for a referral after 你 do great work, 机会对你有利. Plus, most people love to give referrals, especially if 你’ve done a great job.

为了达到最佳效果, it’s smart to 遵循 up with clients shortly after a transaction rather than waiting until 你 need more business.

当你要求转介时,一定要明确. 不要问:“你有推荐人吗??或者,“你知道谁需要房地产经纪人吗??” Ask them to make a specific introduction to someone 你 might want to know in their circle, 或者问他们更直接的问题,比如, “Do 你 know anyone interested in buying a second home in this area?”

如果你有足够的信心经常使用这个策略, 你的房地产业务很快就会蒸蒸日上.


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